Are your Operations Ready for Parasol?
Implement these changes now to get ready for Parasol
We’ve talked about getting your sales and service teams ready in previous blog posts, but there’s one more area of your business that needs attention: your operations.
Getting Your Operations Ready
Moving clients over to a subscription service is going to require a more sophisticated software tool that will help you manage recurring revenue and repeat clients. Why not set that up now so you’re familiar with the software and ready to use it when it’s time?
“But what should I use?”
There are a lot of options out there when it comes to subscription platforms. Don’t drive yourself crazy researching the right tool. Why not use the same great subscription platform Parasol uses to collect subscription revenue?
Don’t work harder. Work smarter. ZOHO subscriptions is has all the features you’ll need. Take some time before you come onboard to set-up and familiarize yourself (and your staff) with the platform so that you are ready to go when we say the word.